Helpful Foot Care Info & Tips

Foot care for seniors

Foot care is essential for seniors as it can help prevent foot problems that could affect overall health. Here are some reasons why foot care is important for seniors:

  1. Improves blood circulation – Elderly people often suffer from poor circulation, which can delay the healing of foot ulcers.
  2. Improves mobility and independence – Age-related changes to the skin’s thickness and elasticity make the elderly more susceptible to common foot ailments, including corns, blisters, and infections.
  3. Helps to detect health issues early – Regular foot exams can help detect early signs of health issues such as diabetes, arthritis, and circulatory problems.
  4. Lowers risk of falls – Proper foot care can help prevent falls by improving balance and stability.

Foot problems

Foot problems are especially common in older people, for a variety of reasons. Feet lose cushioning as they age, and the skin and nails can grow dry and brittle. Many seniors have poor circulation, and this can slow the healing of foot sores. Some common foot problems in seniors include edema (swelling of tissues), corns and calluses, toenail problems (such as ingrown toenails), plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot), and neuropathy (nerve damage that can cause numbness or tingling in the feet).

It's important to take good care of your feet as you age to help prevent these problems. This includes wearing comfortable shoes that fit well, keeping your feet clean and dry, and checking your feet regularly for any signs of problems.

Foot care

Some tips for seniors on taking care of their feet include:

  • Keep them Clean: Bacteria and viruses thrive on dirty feet, which can lead to diseases. Cleaning the feet with warm water and soap on a regular basis can help avoid infections, especially in people who have wounds on their feet or ingrown nails.
  • Avoid Doing Own Surgery: Seniors should avoid cutting their toenails or using sharp objects to remove calluses or corns as it can lead to infections or other complications.
  • Wear Proper Footwear: Seniors should wear shoes that fit well and provide good support to avoid foot pain or injuries.

Foot Exercises

There are several exercises that can help improve foot health. Here are some of them:

1. Toe raise, point, and curl - This exercise has three stages and will strengthen all parts of the feet.

2. Big toe stretch - Keeping a wide range of motion in the big toe is important.

3. Toe splay - This exercise helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in your toes.

4. Toe curls - This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your feet.

5. Marble pickup - This exercise helps to improve dexterity in your toes.

6. Sand walking - Walking barefoot on sand can help improve balance and stability.

7. Toe extension - This helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles in your toes.

8. Golf ball roll - Rolling a golf ball under your foot can help relieve tension and pain.

Licensed Practical Nurses

Licensed Practical Nurses are trained to provide basic medical care, including foot care. They can provide a range of services, including trimming toenails, assessing foot health, and providing education on proper foot care. Some of the benefits of having an LPN come to your home to perform foot care include convenience, personalized care, and the ability to receive care in a familiar environment. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. For example, you may need to pay out-of-pocket for these services, if they are not covered by insurance. Additionally, you will need to ensure that you choose a qualified and experienced LPN who can provide safe and effective care.

It's important to weigh the pros and cons of having an LPN come to your home for foot care before making a decision. You may also want to speak with your doctor or other healthcare providers for guidance on whether this is the right choice for you.

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